Our fascination with virtual reality arose during the early 90’s, when VR technology looked big, clumsy and rather basic. This was the period the gigantic shoulder pads and hair creations in the 80s, which had a definite influence on how the VR glasses looked at that time 😊. An eye opener for us.

In the 1990s Marco worked for a film production company that experimented with VR and 3D productions. That was real pioneering at the time, often with home-made solutions and adapters.
But the hype was short-lived, and our focus returned to traditional video and film productions.
Around eight years ago, VR has made a comeback. And how. Not only in the field of VR (virtual reality), but also in the field of AR (augmented reality) and MR (mixed reality), all under the umbrella term XR (extended reality).
This time it’s here to stay because big tech companies invest much more in XR-techniques. Especially Apple with the Vision Pro and Meta with Quest (Pro).
This means for us, content creators, that we can produce better, more interesting and more beautiful content for our customers.

That is why it is good for a company to see what XR techniques can do for them.
Ask yourself the question if you can use it in your marketing, such as for a product presentation of a presentation of the company through a virtual tour.
Or do you, as a construction company, need a safety film for a project that provides a more immersive and complete experience?
We at Kola Productions are happy to advise you on this.
You are very welcome to contact us for a digital or personal meeting.
For more information about the different XR techniques, how to use it and how we work, visit our website https://www.kolaproductions.se/xr
More to come next time!
